The Brella® SweatControl Patch is an innovative in-office approach to sweat control that is non-invasive (needle-free), aluminum-free, and affordable.
Brella is proven to be safe and comfortable, easily fitting into your in-office aesthetic routine. After a single treatment, you may see results within a few days, with benefits lasting three to four months.*
Even better, you can resume your normal activities right after your treatment – with more confidence, no downtime, and less sweat!
You may see rapid results after these three simple steps:1
Your aesthetic clinician will check both underarms to confirm they are free from redness, abrasions, or other skin conditions and then clean both underarms.
Your aesthetic clinician will place the SweatControl Patch directly on your underarm. Treatment time depends on how much and how quickly you sweat. During this time, you may feel tingling, stinging, or warming sensations, which is normal.
After the treatment is complete, the used Patch from your first underarm will be removed, your underarm will be cleaned, and the Patch will be properly disposed of. Your aesthetic clinician will repeat the steps with a new Patch on your other underarm.1
The Brella SweatControl Patch consists of a thin sodium sheet with an adhesive backing.
When the Patch is applied by your aesthetic clinician to your underarm, the sodium comes in contact with water in your sweat (sweat is 99% water) and generates localized heat that targets sweat glands to significantly reduce sweat production.2
Brella is an individualized treatment based upon how much and how quickly you sweat.
Clinical study results of 110 patients with excessive underarm sweating3
Brella is proven to significantly reduce excessive underarm sweating with results lasting three to four months*
The majority of Brella-treated patients experienced significant improvements within a few days4
Most Brella-treated subjects noticed their sweat production was cut in half3
Freedom from excessive underarm sweating with significant improvement in physical and emotional impact on daily living3,5
Brella works on all skin types4 and is proven to be safe and well tolerated.3
With Brella... the only thing showing is your confidence
I highly recommend you try Brella. I’m so happy I did!
Brella is awesome! The treatment was simple, easy, and it works. If you are bothered by your sweat, I highly recommend you try Brella. I’m so happy I did!
I tried Brella and I had a pleasant experience! My sweat used to bother me…I had the treatment done once and was able to get amazing results! Brella was applied in one visit, only for a few minutes, simple process, and great results.
Brella works for up to 3 to 4 months and sometimes longer in all skin types…Bravo Brella!
1) | For complete prescribing information, see device instructions for use. |
2) | Candesant Patent |
3) | Glaser DA, Green L, Kaminer M, Smith S, Pariser D. Outcomes from the SAHARA Clinical Study on the TAT Patch for Excessive Axillary Sweating or Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis (abstract). Late-breaking oral presentation at: American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting; March 17-21 (presented March 18, 10:10 am CT), 2023; New Orleans, Louisiana. |
4) | Data on file, Candesant Biomedical |
5) | Jacob C, Green L. Quality of Life Improvement shown during SAHARA Clinical Study on the TAT Patch for Excessive Axillary Sweating or Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis. Presentation abstract for Cosmetic Boot Camp (CBC) conference, June 22-25, 2023, Aspen, Colorado. |